You sound very angry in your writings. You shouldn’t be, the world has changed you know?

I sat there and pondered on what she had just said, have often heard a similar argument common among anti-feminists. They say that women got what they wanted which is, equality. Women now go to work, they can become presidents and they can really do whatever they want. Do you also believe this dear reader? I hope not. Don’t get me wrong, the world has changed for women, all the above stated examples are true but can we really take it as far as to say females have achieved equality with their male counterparts? I had to look at the world around me for answers, l looked at the rape, the femicide and the daily beatings that women all over the world face. I then wondered, don’t l have a right to be angry? 

Patriarchy has for long decided how women should feel in different situations. Their expectation was always the same, women should always be happy, well at least on the outside. This is why growing up there was always emphasis on women being polite and kind, while the men could be stern and angry whenever they willed. This utopia that men created for themselves where women could take injustice from them with smiling faces made them feel better about the utter nonsense they put women through. But women can feel whatever they want to feel and they have a right too, to be angry when the occasion calls for it!

The world has for long ridiculed feminists as being a bunch of angry women, this was so from the beginning of the feminist movement and is still true today. Feminists have for long alsotried to prove that they are not angry but today, I’ll be the first to admit that l am angry. To be honest, who wouldn’t be? Looking at the world today where a male person can get more money compared to a female for doing the exact same job! A world where a lot of men still believe it’s okay to break into hospitals and rape pregnant women. Surely, how can l not be angry, how can l just look at all this injustice happen and stop my heart from bleeding? How can any person do that?

In 2019 the Zimbabwe Gender Commission stated that twenty two women are raped every day. That’s six hundred and forty six women every month.

UN Women stated that 60 million girls are sexually assaulted on their way to or in school.

The South African Police service stated that, in South Africa one woman is killed every three hours.

The United Nations stated that only 21% of Ministers worldwide are women.

United Nations Women states that less than 20% of the world landholders are women

I can go on and on and hit you with more statistics but the fact is, females are still suffering politically, socially and economically throughout the world for one reason only, that they are female. So no, feminists are not wrong for continuing to fight for a better world. They are not foolish for being angry either, the world is filled with reasons why. And besides, angry people change the world, ask Winnie!




  1. We have every right to be angry! Nothing has changed infact things are now worse. Whenever a woman says something it has to be second guessed. Enough is enough!

  2. The world is far from being a safe place for women...its so sad that privilegde blinds some people from seeing this

  3. I believe that women can lead, also have a voice that can transform not just our lives but the economy itself.

  4. "Women have always been decision makers, they have always been empowered" such annoying comments

  5. Women are just men with a wo . We are all the same .we are all children of the most High and he love us all the same . My two cents👋😊

  6. I think the world has gotten better for women in that there is legislative support that is being enacted. You rape or beat a woman and you are certainly to do time for it. Am sure women are just too angry to acknowledge the difference.

  7. It's true and sadly the reason given to some oppression is that we are women


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