Women will do almost anything for their children.

They will work the most dehumanizing of jobs, they will work from morning till sunset often with little regard for their own well-being. They will do anything to protect their children, except leave their man.

We have often heard of so many stories of wives finding out their children have been raped or sexually assaulted by their husbands or boyfriends only for them to do nothing. Nothing except threaten their daughters to silence, label them as hoes or throw them away from home. Anyone reading this will probably think of the inhumanity of all this, a mother abondoning a child for the sake of her marriage. But numbers don’t lie, these stories are often littered in newspapers and heartbreaking novels that follow how some child killed herself or how she became the person she is now. Often the person is an epitome of some social ill and or evil.

But it is society that creates these monsters. Society will tell a woman that it is her duty to protect her children from anyone but this doesn’t often include her partner. Society will teach that a woman’s most important duty is to be a wife after which she can become a mother but even then her most important duty is the first. That is why she will serve food to her husband first before she serves her children. The order of importance is and has always been wife, mother,  and whatever else is there. 

You see from the time we are young, women are taught that the greatest aspiration there is is to be someone’s wife. Having a successful career is fine, being a happy person is also alright too but out of all these being a wife is the best.

 After screwing this over and over again in our heads they will instill fear in any one of us who try to go against this. She is called a prostitute she who is of age and chooses not to be married. Later in her life she will be called evil, an abnormally and labeled a very lonely woman. Society will take such women and give them as examples of what happens when women try and defy their only purpose in life, marriage. Because society is more preoccupied with creating good wives than it is in creating happy women.

And these children, what happens to them? Many grow up to become emotional cripples, living to pass on the hurt and the pain they suffered, only they do it to more people. Building up walls to their hearts and robbing their way through peoples pockets. A sad ending to a once happy child.

So l ask you, is your husband or partners life more important than yours and your children’s combined? You see society creates monsters but it is up to us to decide if we become monsters ourselves.


  1. Classic conflict between doing whats right...and sending the breadwinner to the gallows. It all comes down to empowerment of women and this should not begin at an old age

  2. I am of the mind that most women lack the empowerment that enables them to be independant hence they are happy to be married even if it means to be unhappily married. Women, at least most of them, see marriage as a window to having bread on the table.Tradition still over-hype married women and make it the desire of every woman

  3. Dear women
    If you don't stand up for yourself no one else will.
    You matter ,you matter .
    You were not just born to someone's wife and die .
    You have a destiny and that Destiny is in your hands .
    Don't let anybody come in between you and your Destiny ,not even your husband.
    Thank you UNIKA for writing this article.

  4. Well unfortunately for one to be considered a good women she has to be good to others. Good wife, good mom, good sister 🤷🏾‍♀️ I mean. Our value has made to be seen by the acts we do for others

    1. That should be the same measurement on everyone, male or female. Our actions should be the measure on whether we are ‘good or bad’. This shouldn’t just apply to females.

      Being a ‘good woman’ has often been used by patriarchy to refer to females that have done everything expected of them by our society, this includes keeping silent when they are abused, never standing up for themselves.

  5. It’s of our good nature that we find ourselves nurturing our children and husbands. sometimes you’ll even find us protecting our significant other because if the husband is abusive to his children or wife it’s always the wife’s fault “because she didn’t take care of her husband properly” or she’ll be blamed for her husband’s temper🤦🏽‍♀️ It’s sooo sad cause most women end up keeping quiet so that they protect their marriage and dignity but not knowing how much damage their causing to their children.

    1. Very well said. We protect monsters and simultaneously and unintentionally make our children monsters too.


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